The innovative B.Sc. Economics program started in 2010 by the SVKM NMIMS’ School of Economics is a three-year full-time program with Electives in Economics, Finance and Business Management. This program has six semesters.

The graduate level program is designed to challenge the mind, stimulate intellectual growth and make college life an exciting journey. The emphasis is on the overall development of the student, not only in academics, but also in co curricular activities. Students gain practical exposure through summer training, which provides an opportunity to develop Analytical, Quantitative, Written and Oral communication skills-that are valued by employers.

Thus the program not only lays the foundation for students to study further but also readies them for employment. It aids in inculcating values, to make the student a more responsible and socially aware citizen.

  • Impart Sound Knowledge–To give students a thorough understanding of Economic concepts and a comprehensive grounding in the analytical methods of Economics.
  • Develop Skills and Enhance Abilities–To develop skills in applying methods to a diverse range of problems, both microeconomic and macroeconomic. To be able to analyze and construct complex arguments and to communicate these arguments effectively. To teach students to think critically, read and write.
  • Encourage overall growth–To create an environment where students treat learning as a lifetime process. To adopt a more holistic approach to education with emphasis on development of soft skills, leadership training, personality development and value education. To stress on ethical and moral values in society and to awaken the participative civic spirit among the students.
  • Provide Practical and Contemporary Know-how-To have a system which will prepare students to face the challenges of a continuously evolving job market, by constantly renewing and evolving their knowledge and skills.

Teaching Innovations made at SOE

  • Introduction of contemporary curriculum benchmarked against the best Universities. The curriculum consists of courses such as ‘Economics of Infrastructure’, ‘Behavioural Economics’, ‘Economics of Geopolitics & International Relations’ which are novel at the undergraduate level in India.
  • Holistic learning through a blend of subjects including Liberal Arts (Sociology, Psychology, Political Science etc.), Law, Management, Finance and Marketing.
  • Teaching-Learning process with extensive use of computers. IT skills introduced as a part of the curriculum.
  • An option provided to students to specialize in Economics, Finance or Business.
  • Innovative Pedagogy which consists of the use of games, case studies, movies, simulation exercises, debates, role play and group discussions.
  • Use of Black Board ICT technology.
  • Development of soft skills through courses on Communication Skills, Creative Writing, Motivational Training and Leadership Skills.
  • Unique peer learning and self learning programme through group work and projects / presentations and interactive class sessions.
  • Introduction of a course ‘Ecode’ linking theory with practice. Students learn to relate theoretical concepts learnt in the classroom with real life economic developments.
  • Introduction of ‘Seminar Paper’ in the second year which prepares the students for research.
  • Introduction of a 5% component of lectures in each course to be taken by industry experts. This seeks to increase the industry- academia interface.
  • Introduction of a ‘Research Paper’ in the third year to encourage self learning.
  • Organizing a series of guest lectures by eminent industry experts to address the students on various topical issues. As part of this series, the School of Economics invited Mr. K. Ramkumar, Executive Director ICICI, Mr. Dharamkirti Joshi, Director and Principal Economist CRISIL, Dr. AbhayPethe, Director Department of Economics University of Mumbai, Mr. ShalinDivatia, Chartered Accountants, S.R. Divatia& Co, and Mr. Anil Jaggia, CIO HDFC Bank.
  • Signing of an MOU with ICICI Bank to offer e-learning modules to the students of the School.
  • Compulsory Summer Internship at the end of each year for all students.


Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

The process of learning and teaching will be done through an integration of:

  • Classroom teaching
  • Group learning
  • Peer learning
  • Self learning
  • Games
  • Simulations
  • Role Play
  • Case Studies
  • Movies

Lectures, Training and Projects

  • 26 to 32 contact lectures per week
  • 60 contact lectures per semester for the core subjects
  • Summer Training
  • Seminar paper in the second year
  • A research project in the final year

Unique Features

  • A Contemporary Curriculum with Subjects Like Behavioural Economics, Economics Of Infrastructure, Game Theory.
  • Innovative Pedagogy And Experiential Learning
  • Blend Of Social Sciences.
  • Soft Skills Such As Leadership Training, Motivational Training Integrated In The Curriculum
  • Small Classroom Size Of 35-40 Students
  • Compulsory Summer Training Each Year.
  • Guest Lectures By Industry Experts And Eminent Persons From All Walks Of Life
  • Independent Studies As An Integral Part Of The Learning Process
  • Most Suitable For Students with IB / IGCSE / ISC / HSC / CBSE Backgrounds


Students can specialize in the final year in Finance, Business or Economics.


  • Post graduation in Economics/ Management.
  • Careers in finance/industry/banks.
  • Market research institutions as market analysts.
  • Credit rating institutions as research analysts.
  • Media, particularly business media

Highlights of Program

  • Compulsory summer training each year.
  • Guest Lectures by industry experts and eminent persons from all walks of life.
  • Independent studies as an integral part of the learning process.
  • Most suitable for students with IB / IGCSE / ISC / HSC / CBSE Backgrounds.

Course Structure (Click Here)

All Admissions to UG courses happen through NPAT exams held nationwide

Admission Open 2025

B.Sc (Economics)
Admission Handout

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